A Lesson From The Quranic Dua for Marriage
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I recently finished revising Surah Furqan, a surah that holds one of my favourite passages. It’s in the final page of this surah where Allah talks about a group of people He calls the ‘Ibadur Rahman’ – the ‘servants of the Merciful’.
He mentions 9 characteristics of them.
Did you know: One of the most beloved names to Allah is ‘Abdarrahman’?
Imagine then how beloved someone with one of these 9 characteristics are to Him, subhanallah.
The 9 characteristics are-
- Consistently humble
- Courteous, even when treated harshly
- People of tahajjud
- Prays for Allahs mercy
- Moderate in their spending – neither stingy or extravagant
- Stays away from the major sins of shirk, murder, and zina
- Stays away from company that is indulging in gossip or useless activities
- Always open to being reminded of Allah
- Constant supplication for a family of Paradise